Connecting with Your Future Self: Best Practices and Methods

The concept of future self-continuity, or the perceived connection between your past, present, and future selves, significantly influences decision-making. A weak connection to your future self can lead to choices that prioritize immediate gratification over long-term well-being, while a strong sense of connection promotes actions that benefit your future. This article will explore best practices and methods to enhance your connection to your future self.
Understanding the Disconnect
Philosophers like Joseph Butler and Derek Parfit have long pondered the implications of viewing the future self as a separate entity . If the future self feels like a stranger, there is little motivation to make sacrifices or plan for the future. Research has shown that people who feel disconnected from their future selves are less likely to save money, prioritize their health, or cultivate meaningful relationships. Brain imaging studies confirm that when we think about our future selves, our brains behave as if we are thinking about someone else, making it harder to take action that will benefit our future . This neurological “glitch” is a primary reason for our struggle to connect to our future selves.
Best Practices for Enhancing Future Self-Continuity
Several methods can help you bridge the gap between your present and future self:
- Vividly Imagine Your Future Self: One of the most important aspects of connecting with your future self is to make that future self more vivid and real. The more concrete the image of your future self, the more likely you are to feel connected to that person. Here are some ways to do this:
- Aging Apps and Filters: Using apps that show you an aged version of yourself can make the future feel more tangible. While these apps alone are not a magic solution, they are a good starting point. Experiment with different apps and filters to find one that resonates with you. is a great resource for aging your photos by also adding external factors like smoking, weight shifts, and sun exposure .
- Augmented Reality (AR): AR can also help you visualize your future self by projecting a version of yourself into the future, making the future feel more real .
- Counterfactual Thinking: Consider how your past could have turned out differently and imagine the impact that would have on your future.
- Engage in Automated Recollection: Combine images of your future self with automated systems that show you your age-progressed self at random intervals. This can reinforce your connection with your future self. You can also use existing technologies to enhance your future self-connection .
- Reminiscence Databases: Use services like Facebook Memories or Apple Photos to regularly review past events and connect them to your present self.
- Predictive Text: Notice the predictive text suggestions in your messaging apps or email that encourage you to continue using language as you have in the past. These seemingly small reminders of past behavior can help maintain a sense of continuity.
- Recommender Systems: Recognize how recommender systems project future desires based on past browsing behaviors, creating an ongoing narrative.
- Create a Life Narrative: Psychologist Dan P. McAdams emphasizes that creating and maintaining a life narrative is crucial for a happy life . This is the integration of experiences, character, and events into a personal story about what happened, why it's important, and what it means for your future.
- Life Story Interview Technique: Consider using life story interview techniques to reflect on your past, understand your present, and clarify your future goals and aspirations .
- Reflect on the Past: Examine your life through the lens of your experiences, understand why they are significant, and how they shape your future.
- Write to Your Future Self: Writing letters or making videos to your future self, similar to Bo Burnham's film Eighth Grade, can solidify your sense of continuity . This act of communication can help you connect with who you will become.
- Explore Future Scenarios: Futurist Jane McGonigal suggests a series of exercises and creative activities to simulate a "first-person future." Search for the "future of X" (where X is something of interest to you) and imagine living in that future . You can take McGonigal’s Coursera course for further exploration.
- Practice Self-Kindness: Future self-continuity also includes being kind to yourself . Recognize that your future self will appreciate the efforts you make today.
- Think about mortality While a brush with mortality is not always practical, McGonigal's research indicates it's an effective way to think about your future self.
- Engage with high and low tech: Use a variety of high and low-tech methods to enhance your connectedness, including writing characterizations of your future self, or listing ways you expect to be similar or different.
Implications of Future Self-Continuity
Future self-continuity is not just about personal choices but also has broader implications.
- Ethical Behavior: Adults with a stronger connection to their future selves tend to act more ethically in business transactions.
- Social Responsibility: Future self-continuity may be vital for addressing long-term societal issues such as climate change, as it encourages us to consider the impact of our actions on future generations.
- Cultural Impact: Cultures that value respect for elders tend to save more, and nations with longer histories tend to have cleaner environments, suggesting that future self-continuity may operate at a group level.
Connecting with your future self is an ongoing process that requires effort and intention. By employing a combination of imaginative visualization, technological tools, reflective practices, and self-compassion, you can strengthen your sense of future self-continuity. This enhanced connection will not only empower you to make better personal choices but also encourage you to contribute positively to society and the world, making the "future you" someone you look forward to, rather than dread.